Is your Cell Phone Voice Volume on Over-sharing?

An epidemic of bad manners "rings out to interrupt someone!" I was in the gym locker room the other day while another woman was having a conversation on her cell phone. Everyone in the locker room could hear as she gave vivid details about her x-rated date from the evening before. We all overheard more about this woman and her date than we needed to know. In church recently, a cell phone rang playing the tune of "Joyful, Joyful." We weren't sure if it was choir music to sing to or a cell phone inappropriately ringing. As the speaker spoke at a banquet I attended, a woman sat on her ringing cell phone rang because she didn't know how to turn it off.

Are you becoming disgusted with the abuse and lack of consideration of the more than 102 million U.S. cell-phone users?

July is "Cell Phone Courtesy Month."

Follow these rules and responsibilities and mind your mobile manners so you won't be labeled an ill-mannered cell phone user.
  1. Respect the peace and privacy of others. Don't use them at funerals and church services, in hospitals, theaters, conferences or restaurants if the use will disturb others.

  2. When you call from your cell phone, let them know you are calling from a cell phone, just in case you get cut off or fade in and out.

  3. Be discreet. Use good judgment between private conversations and airing your dirty laundry in public. Lower your voice. Move to a private place if possible.

  4. Keep the ring volume down. It isn't necessary for everyone to hear your melodious phone ring.

  5. Switch off your phone or put it in silent mode before it embarrassingly rings when it's not appropriate to receive calls. Use Voice Mail and listen to the messages at a later, more appropriate time.

  6. Limit multi-tasking. We're all trying to squeeze every second out of every minute to optimize our time by doing other things concurrently. Inattention and distraction while driving increases your crash risk 4 times. Driving is your primary priority when you are behind the wheel.

  7. If you must use your cell phone while driving, consider a headset providing hands-free operation and keep it within easy reach.

  8. Suspend conversations during hazardous driving conditions. Let the person you are speaking to know you are driving. Heavy traffic can be as hazardous as rain, sleet, snow and ice.

  9. Do not engage in stressful or emotional conversations while driving. Make people you are talking with aware you are behind the wheel. If necessary, suspend the conversation.

  10. Be safe. Recognize the signs of "attention impairment" in yourself and others as part of defensive driving. Do not be a part-time driver.

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