E- Zine - December 2004


Professional Development Series coming to Edmond, Oklahoma, USA

For: Entrepreneurs, business leaders, college students, salespeople, customer service reps, and anyone wanting to raise their professional and social image. Learn the “Rules of the Game” and go for the win. Afternoon Tea and Etiquette is great for woman’s organizations and the Mad Hatter Tea and Etiquette Party will delight children.
Business Protocol 6:30 – 8 pm Jan. 11, 2005
Techno-Etiquette 6:30 – 8 pm Jan. 18, 2005
Bus. & Social Entertaining 6:30 – 8 pm Jan. 25, 2005
Four course Dining Tutorial 6:30 – 8 pm Feb. 1, 2005
Dos and Don’ts of a Successful Job Interview 6:30 – 8 pm Feb. 8, 2005
Afternoon Tea & Etiquette 2- 3:30 pm Jan. 19, 2005
Mad Hatter Tea & Etiquette Party (ages 7 – 10) 4 – 5:30 pm Jan. 26, 2005

REGISTER by calling the City of Edmond Parks & Recreation Department at 405-359-4630.

Results: Last month’s survey question: How many times during the day should e-mail users read and respond to e-mail? The majority of respondents said e-mails should be checked at least once a day. I suggest an auto-responder to let people know when you are unable to check your e-mail.

Tips to Outclass Your Competition – Office party rules

Invited to a holiday office party? You will be watched in this environment just as you are in your office environment. Mind these rules so you won’t be the Monday morning joke.
  • RSVP in a timely manner
  • Arrive on time
  • Take it easy on alcohol - the “truth” serum
  • If it’s too short, too low, too tight or too bright, save it for another time
  • Maintain professional boundaries –avoid romantic advances
  • Brush up on introduction skills at http://www.protocolplus.net/introdec02.html
  • Do not eat while standing in the buffet line
  • Know when to say farewell and be sure to thank your host when you leave (see thank you tips at the end of this e-zine)
The Coach’s Corner – Five acts of kindness

Sonja Lyubomirsky, a Professor of Psychology at Stanford, tested whether asking people to “commit” five random acts of kindness would reliable increase their level of positive emotion. The good news is that it does, and it is most effective if all five acts are carried out on the same day. Here are Sonja’s instructions:

“In our daily lives, we all perform acts of kindness for others. These acts may be large or small and the person for whom the act is performed may or may not be aware of the act. Examples include feeding a stranger’s parking meter, donating blood, helping a friend with homework, visiting an elderly relative, or writing a thank you letter. One day each week, you are to perform five acts of kindness. The acts do not need to be for the same person, the person may or may not be aware of the act, and the act may or may not be similar to the acts listed above. Do not perform any acts that may place yourself or others in danger.”

Commit to this practice during the holiday season. Notice your own level of happiness improve. You will find yourself looking for opportunities to be kind.

Coaching questions:
  • What are the happiest events of my life?
  • What are the unhappiest events of my life?
  • What day will I start my kindness practice?
  • What am I grateful for in my life right now?
Good luck with your kindness practice. Let me know how it affects your own personal happiness level.

If you need help seeing things through windows instead of walls, give coaching a try. Call today for your no-obligation, coaching session. This 30-minute confidential session will give you the experience of coaching. To schedule your session, call 405-341-3216.

Quotes of the Month

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”
         --- George Carlin

“Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing, there is a field; I’ll meet you there.”
         --- Rumi

Ask the Expert - How to say “Thank You” Etiquette

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