E- Zine - November 2003


Special Event
On November 12th, you have the opportunity to attend Outclass the Competition at Meridian Technology Center in Stillwater. First impressions are lasting impressions. Your appearance, your attitude, your actions, and your manners are under scrutiny every moment of every day and you judge and are judged accordingly. Give yourself the gift of social polish and confidence to navigate in any environment. Be the one who stands out in the crowd with assurance in any dining, business or social setting.

To learn more about Outclass the Competition, visit http://www.protocolplus.net/seminar/outclass.html. For enrollment information, contact Meridian Technology Center Management Services at (405) 377-3003. Act now! Enrollment is limited.

Tips to Outclass Your Competition – Top Ten things to know before you "gobble, gobble" your Thanksgiving meal.

The holidays are around the corner and whether you're dining with family or business associates, having savvy dining skills will give you self-assurance to relax and enjoy yourself. Follow these 10 steps to leave the impression of a gracious guest.
  1. Arrive on time - not early and not late.
  2. Allow the oldest to take their seat at the table first.
  3. Open your napkin on your lap - do not wave your napkin in the air.
  4. Do not eat anything until the host takes their first bite.
  5. Don't critique the food.
  6. Pass the salt and pepper together - they are married. (Can you tell I have children and grandchildren?)
  7. No TV; no cell phones; and do not accept other calls unless it is an emergency.
  8. No picking, toothpicks or dental floss.
  9. Do not push your plate away from you when finished and do not leave the table until the host has indicated the meal is over by placing his/her napkin on the table.
  10. Always thank your host or hostess.
Be sure to give your children a few lessons before the holidays. Correcting them at the table is too little too late. A great way to polish your dining skills is to attend Outclass the Competition at Meridian Technology Center.

Because of growing readership and response toward Etiquette and Coaching, I am now offering a special Etiquette/Coaching Package. Visit http://www.protocolplus.net/schedule.html.

Customer Service Techniques – "Yes…And"

One working horse can pull 8,000 pounds.
Two working horses can pull 32,000 pounds.

A "Team" is any two or more people who join to achieve a desired outcome.
How's the teamwork in your business? Is everyone working toward clear goals with mutual respect and open-mindedness?

Try this "YES… AND" communication exercise from Working With Groups to Enhance Relationships, by Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin and Sue Walden.
  1. Invite participants to sit in chairs or on the floor facing a partner.
  2. Introduce the exercise: "This exercise will give us practice in valuing and respecting other people's ideas, taking the time to acknowledge and find some value in each suggestion and opening ourselves to other ideas and perspectives. We have all been well trained to look for what doesn't work; therefore, we typically respond to novel ideas with "yes, but…" not even considering what may be of value in another person's idea. In the long run, this has the effect of narrowing our world down to only our own ideas and ways of doing things.

    "Yes and…" is a process that requires you to listen to what your partner says and acknowledge the value and the richness of each contribution. In this game, your goal is to plan a vacation that both partners will enjoy. To do this, you will take turns offering ideas, one at a time. After your partner offers an idea, you will respond by appreciating at least one aspect of what was offered. Use this phrase 'What I like about your idea is…' completing it with something you can honestly say you like about the idea. Keep searching until you can find something you like. After offering your appreciation (the "yes" step), you can say, 'And…' add your own idea. In this exercise there are no restrictions whatsoever to limit your vacation. Budget, practicality, plausibility, possibility and the laws of physics do not exist."

  3. After 15 minutes of co-creating, conclude the exercise by asking participants to discuss some of the following questions:
    • What was your experience of this exercise? Does anyone want to share where they ended up taking a vacation?
    • How did it feel when your partner appreciated your ideas?
    • Was it hard to always find something you appreciated about your partner's contributions?
    • What effect did this attitude have on your participation?
    • What effect did this have on your vacation plan?
    • What effect might the "Yes and…" attitude have on your relationships?
    • How would it be if everyone could hold on to this attitude in day-to-day interactions?
Try this "yes-and…" communication in any relationship. It is truly a way to listen to, appreciate, and value other people.

To learn about how I can help your team function more efficiently and effectively, call 405-341-3216 today or visit me on the web at http://www.protocolplus.net/seminar/smallbus.html

The Coach’s Corner – Hamster Wheel or Balance Wheel?

Do you ever feel like a hamster on a wheel? How many ways are you accessible to others - telephone, car phone, cell phone, e-mail, and snail mail. What are the demands of your time and energy with schedules and commitments?

Try standing for a minute or two on one foot. Notice the fine adjustments you make in the foot and body to maintain equilibrium. Physical balance and life balance is a skill and can be developed. Balance is dynamic and only exists in the midst of action.

Coaching questions:
  • Am I moving toward balance, away from balance, or through it?
  • Do I have an area in my life out of balance?
  • What am I saying "yes" to when I mean "no?"
  • Would I like to make a change?
  • What would I have to do to move in that direction?
If you want to see a visual of your life balance, e-mail me and request a Word attachment of "The Wheel of Life." If you would like to talk about changing the balance of your "Wheel of Life," hire me as your coach. Our coaching relationship is powerful, and when the going gets tough we stay in collaboration and work through to the other side. As your coach, you have my word that I am 100% committed to you being powerful, successful and to having the life you want.

To experience three complimentary coaching sessions, please visit http://www.protocolplus.net/schedule.html for information on my Etiquette/Coaching Package.

Quotes of the Month –

"…The important thing is this: to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
         --- Charles DuBos

"Nothing is worth more than this day."
         --- Goethe

Ask the Expert - How do I say "NO" gracefully?

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