Protocol Plus
Etiquette and Protocol Training
for Professional Development
World-Class Dining
They don't teach etiquette much anymore, but if you ever have to choose between Incredibly Advanced Accounting for Overachievers and Remedial Knife and Fork, head for the silverware.
- Harvey Mackay
Are you looking for a useful set of tools for those special situations where business relationships are developed and strengthened in social settings? WORLD-CLASS DINING will polish your dining skills so you and your employees will outclass your competition. A tutorial luncheon or dinner is provided to help you master the finer points of dining.
Topics of instruction include:
- Effective Business Entertaining
- Host, Hostess, and Guest Duties
- Silverware Savvy
- Place Setting Maps
- Napkin Etiquette
- The Silent Service code
- Do's and Taboos of Toasting
- Handling the check
- Japanese, American and Continental style of eating
- Forms of Service
- Dining Do's and Don'ts
Seminars are customized for your needs.
Learn about other Etiquette and Protocol Training
-Interviewing - Tip the Scale in your Favor
-Business and Social Etiquette
-How to Succeed in the International Arena
-Outclass the Competition (And Have Fun Doing It)
-Customer Service Techniques
-Tea and Etiquette - Civil, Trendy and a "Tonic in a Teapot"